Total truth

An honest view of a typical andnormal girls life.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

just when i think it is over

Why cant i jus move on from this stupid kid. its like adolfo has a spell on me. Ok so thursday nigth we went to hookah. it was me, louie, cindy, jay, and adolfo. i saw this kid that i used to talk to and so i obviously had to say hi. it was rly nice. we relaxed and then i had a beer energy drink thing. well after hookah we went back to adolofs all of us. kyle and ante came to (they were the kids i used to talk to). well i dintdrink much but i blacked out. so then adolof had to take care of me and he was so sweet about the whole thing. he jus took care of me. i blacked out and that was bad.... so i woke up and he was next to me. he dint leave my side the whole night. he took care of m and woke me up with kisses. i thought to myself wow wtf! so i layed in his ams and once everyone left his house i called out on work and then i went back to lay in his arms. he was holding me so tightly and he dint try to sleep with me like most stupid guys which always ruins our friednships. i hate when guys do that cuz then i loose trust and respect for them. well he jus held my hand and cuddled with me. it was the best thing in the world and i could not help but to jus smile. we layed there all day and then cleaned the house. after that we went to dinner and then back to his house to lay down and watch a movie. we cuddled the entire time. it felt so nice and he dint wanna let me go. he literally held me down. we wrestled and then later that night we went to a party. the party got out of hand. there was a fight, someone was stabbed, ppl brought guns, etc.... its was fuckin scary. so we left but b4 we left i saw my x dave.... dun dun dun....i almost cried right there. well adolof and i got back home an he calmed me down and said hey the past is the past and you cant hold onto the bad cuz then u wont move on towards the good. he is the reason why u cant move on and hold a serious relationship with guys which is the truth i know it too... i just dont want to admit it. that would suck... of course i have to admit it cuz he is right haha. well anyways so then he dropped me off and gave me a big hug. it was awesome i felt so safe and so warm. everything was wut i wanted. well tonight is my last night b4 i go and i am hoping he is the last person i see b4 i go cuz literally he is the last person i wanna see. well i better go and pack, still havent done that yet. yikes!


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